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GrowCanada Partners


Incorporated in 1987 as the Industrial Biotechnology Association of Canada, BIOTECanada serves as the national voice for industry leadership for Canada’s biotechnology sector. Through our national network of partner organisations, we inspire our domestic and international community to recognize the value of biotechnology and to provide solutions to the challenges faced by biotech firms today.


Canada Grains Council

The Canada Grains Council is a national association of grain value chain members that leads and facilitates the development and implementation of policies and initiatives addressing cross commodity issues and opportunities to further the sale and use of Canadian grains in domestic and world markets.

Canadian Canola Growers Association

The Canadian Canola Growers Association represents more than 43,000 canola farmers across Canada on national and international issues, policies and programs that impact farm profitability. It’s membership includes all provincial canola grower associations in Canada.


Canadian Federation of Agriculture

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture  (CFA) was formed in 1935 to answer the need for a unified voice to speak on behalf of Canadian farmers. It continues today as a farmer-funded, national umbrella organization representing provincial general farm organizations and national commodity groups. Through its members, it represents over 200,000 Canadian farm families from coast to coast.


Canadian Fertilizer Institute

Fertilizer Canada is an industry association that represents manufacturers, wholesale and retail distributors of nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers. Canada’s fertilizer industry plays an essential role in ensuring that world food needs can be met economically and sustainably.

Canadian Seed Growers’ Association

The Canadian Seed Growers’ Association (CSGA) represents its 3500 certified seed growing members from across Canada on a wide range of seed sector and related issues. The association partners with government and industry to ensure the effective and efficient operation of Canada’s seed certification and regulatory system and a supply of high quality seed to Canadian farmers. The CSGA is the official Canadian standards setting and certifying body responsible for prescribing varietal purity standards and certifying seed crops of virtually all agricultural crop types in Canada.

Canola Council of Canada

The Canola Council of Canada is a full value chain organization representing canola growers, processors, life science companies and exporters. Our mission is to advance the growth and profitability of the canola industry based on innovation, sustainability, resilience and the creation of superior value for a healthier world.

Cereals Canada

Cereals Canada brings together a broad and diverse collaboration of partners from all sectors of the cereals value chain to enhance the domestic and international competiveness of the Canadian cereals industries. Membership includes farm organizations from coast to coast, grain handling firms along with seed and crop development companies. Cereals Canada is guided by a board of directors equally represented by each of the three key stakeholder groups.

CropLife Canada

CropLife Canada is the trade association that represents the developers, manufacturers and distributors of plant science innovations – pest control products and plant biotechnology – for use in agriculture, urban and public health settings.

Ducks Unlimited Canada

Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is one of the country’s largest and longest-standing conservation organizations. DUC believes we’re strongest together, working in partnership with all who live and work on the landscape. We partner with industries like agriculture to implement best management practices and conservation tools to grow food while protecting nature.

Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada

Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) is an Ottawa-based voluntary, not-for-profit, national association that represents fruit and vegetable growers across Canada involved in the production of over 120 different types of crops on over 14,237 farms, with farm cash receipts of over $5 billion annually. Since 1922, FVGC has advocated on important issues that impact Canada’s horticultural sector, promoting healthy, safe and sustainable food, and ensuring the continued success and growth of our industry.


Grain Growers of Canada

Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) is the National Voice of Grain Farmers from coast to coast. Representing over 65,000 farmers through our 16 national, regional and provincial grower groups, GGC members are trade oriented, sustainable, and innovative. As the farmer-driven association for the grains industry, GGC advocates for the federal government to take decisions that support the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada.

Pulse Canada

Pulse Canada is the national industry association representing growers, processors and traders of pulse crops in Canada.  Pulses include dry beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas.  Canada is one of the world’s largest producers of pulse crops and is the world’s largest exporter, providing pulses to more than 150 countries around the world.

Seeds Canada

Seeds Canada is the leading voice of the Canadian seed sector, representing seed growers, analysts, breeders, distributors, processors and all actors along the seed value chain coast to coast. Seeds Canada officially launched on February 1, 2021, following the amalgamation of four partner organizations – Canadian Plant Technology Agency, Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada, Canadian Seed Institute, and the Canadian Seed Trade Association. Our mandate is to support the growth of the seed sector in Canada and worldwide, focusing on plant breeding innovation, seed regulatory modernization, international trade, value creation, and plant breeders’ rights.

Soil Conservation Council of Canada

The Soil Conservation Council of Canada is the face and voice of soil conservation in Canada. It is a national, non-governmental, independent organization, formed in 1987, to provide a non-partisan public forum to speak and act at the national level for soil conservation.

Soy Canada

Soy Canada is the national commodity association representing the full soybean value chain in Canada including producers, seed development companies, grain handlers, exporters and processors.  Soy Canada’s mandate includes expanding and maintaining markets and strengthening relationships among stakeholders and governments. The association promotes cooperation and partnership within the soybean sector and externally.

Thanks to our 2024 sponsors


BASF Bayer Crop Science CropLife Canada CropLife International UPL


Adama FCC Sollio Agriculture Syngenta
